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Freedom Night 2018 Feature: Ufulu Child

Freedom Feature Spotlight:

Ufulu Child!

Ufulu Child at Freedom Night 2018

Ufulu Child will be creating a safe space in which you are Free to BE... with soul-stirring melodies, reflective lyricism, poetic Kemetic yoga-infused storytelling, sage, and nourishing hugs live at Ufulu Child Presents: Freedom Night 2018.

We are a home for Freedom Seekers worldwide rooted in Artistry and Wellness.

We handcraft experiences that uplift you holistically--that go to the very cells of your being and show you your greatest potentials.

Welcome to the Freedom Seeker Journey...

Here we have a mini-manifesto (an affirmation for all Freedom Seekers) that goes a little something like this:

I CREATE my own wellbeing...

I DEFINE my own destiny...

I LIVE for Freedom...

I AM Free to BE...

And that makes me a Freedom Seeker!

Because we know you’re curious, here is a past live performance of our song, “Don't Run Away (From Your Light)”. Click the video below to watch:

A song about discovering your inner-divinity and defining freedom for yourself.

Words of Wisdom:

"For most of ourselves we find ourselves seeking freedom from outside sources... until one day, something happens...

We realize that the only lasting happiness and freedom is found within.

So, we strive to reach a destination in life where the idea is tangible.

We keep up search until we discover that we are life itself... We are what we have been seeking... We are timeless, boundless, divine,and enough as is--without interpretation or judgement...

Observe what unfolds in your experiences. Know that you are not your thoughts, emotions, body, or even your identity. Any ideas that try to convince you otherwise are simply false.

Live your life in a way that reflects your inner-most resonance--your true Self.

Feel Free To BE..."

- Ufulu Child

Here's what the community is saying about Freedom Night:

"Happy and blessed to spend the weekend with Sol & Tenci of Ufulu Child for #FreedomNight2018 😍

The music, the live art, the poetry, the vendors, the sage and palo santo, and all the food and hospitality they showed me for my first time in Texas was because of the love and care they have for the community.

Thank you, friends! This world is blessed to have you both, cant wait for next year!"

- Low

"Not sure if it the music therapy, or seeing someone completely at peace doing this Kemetic yoga, but this Ufulu Child event is delivering."

- Auntie Cam

"Freedom Night is a wonderful stepping-off point for anyone who is new to holistic healing or even to introspection in the first place.

It's a welcoming environment that invites you to explore yourself and perhaps think about health in different ways.

Events like Freedom Night truly make you feel "free to be," which opens the door to healing and growth."

- Nick Hager Music and Photography

"Austin has been really bumming me out lately. Any kind of heart, feeling, originality is getting pushed out for high rises, cookie cutter veneers and slick marketing. Everything is starting to look the same...

But something interesting has been happening. In all THIS, I’ve begun stumbling into these pockets of soul. Friends, there is life still breathing!

... A spontaneous spark of interest was exactly what I needed to kick me out of the funk this skyline put me in. Thank you Ufulu Child for bringing life into our City.

What energy! 🌟 Ahh! Happy to find all of you! ❤️"

- Lisa B.

"For people who aren't sure what to do with "stability vs. freedom" type of decisions, it serves as a major inspiration and motivational push.

Being surrounded by people who've taken a leap, made a name for themselves, or made due with what they have to lead a happier life through their passions and aspirations can provide mentors, help build connections and collaborations, and helps others find happiness and healing.

It can also help rejuvenate people who might be experiencing burnout or loss of Self."

- Akki, By Akki

"Shoutout to Tenci and Sol Xprsn for Freedom Night 2018. *biggest hug*

The storytime and "Fly" blessed me more than you know. Many thanks for ya'lls gift of sacrifice, time, energy and love to create that space for freedom, love and healing to flow. 💚"

- Steffany O.

"I believe healing community events like Freedom Night are essential to growing as an individual and community.

Our city and our Nation have many barriers between our communities but when we all realize that we are all on a journey of healing to seek support and truth, these healing events are crucial. We are able to hear and see one another in clarity only to find out we are not so different.

I also believe that Freedom Night gives those who are healing to find a support system that maybe they have found yet. This gives everyone the opportunity to heal together."

- Elena J., Hope Farmers Market

"Freedom Nights allow groups of people, who may not know each other, to come together and share a collective experience. Events like this inspire people and creatives to build new relationships and allow artists to share and showcase their artwork with freedom."

- Lakeem, NaturalBorn Studios

"Events like Freedom Night provide a safe space for creative inspiration and expression that raises the vibration of our community."

- Jasmine R., RouCares

"Right now, it’s not the standard for people of color to be included in wellness communities locally, online and in the media.

Seeing black healers in the community is a layer of encouragement for black people to practice wellness. I believe there is power in seeing our positive images represented in the community and in leadership positions.

Events like this are a great place to start or continue your wellness journey."

- Carla W., Yoga Green Book

"Events like Freedom Night are important because they evoke unity and inspire community. In a digital age where we have so many distractions, so many reasons to stay distant, this is needed."

- Joe B

"I was blessed to meet Ufulu Child. Experiencing their purpose, love & light is something I think every light seeker needs to feel for yourselves. I'm going... Y'all definitely should too."

- Kasaundra O.

"Events like Freedom Night are important because what is more healing than food made with love, people singing from their soul, artists creating without fear, and healers sharing their gift?

We need to constantly get together, be in the same room, look each other in the eye, and feel free to be, knowing that in unity is our strength.

At Freedom Night we see that we are actually creating the world we believe in, moment by moment, slowly and with intention.

Here we can celebrate each other, our community, and our unending need and passion for liberation."

- Mijal, Manos Moradas Massage

"Healing community events like Freedom Night are important because we need healing.

Most of us fight and suffer regularly, and reminders that this life is worth it are the most cherished in a community’s history."

- Upper Reality


Should you want to know more about us, simply peruse through our website and find what resonates with you.

Be sure to Join the VIP List to get email updates!

Get your tickets online now to be entered to win raffle prizes throughout the night at Freedom Night 2018 here:!

For more info on Freedom Night 2018 and the various ways to participate (volunteer, sponsor, donate, and/or attend), visit

The Why:

"We are all on a journey that involved trauma, hurt, pain, self-imposed and sometimes caused by the direct or indirect action of others.

Events that stimulate and inspire healing creates opportunities for people to grow together through experiencing healing." - Fatima M.

If you still haven't gotten your tickets to Freedom Night 2018, you may have a good reason...

You might say you have to work when you know doggone well that you can take the night off...

You might blame it on your wallet. Sure you have the $7 for the ticket, but you wanted to use it to get that shiny new squirrel figurine that you saw in the mall that will do absolutely nothing for you but collect dust ever so eloquently on your shelf...

You might even blame the clock for not having enough hours on it for entertainment when you know that you spend hours and hours at home trying to entertain yourself anyway...

But we want to invite you to consider this:

When was the last time you invested in your own happiness?

In your own Freedom?

When was the last time you took a night just for yourself?

When was the last time you had an opportunity to freely express yourself and connect with your community in a space totally free of judgment?

There are a lot of things to do in Austin, TX on a Sunday night, but only Freedom Night 2018 nourishes your body, your mind, and your soul all at once.

Only Freedom Night 2018 brings together, live painting, local film screenings, live, uplifting music, plant-based foods, massages, dancing, yoga demonstrations, and healing in one space.

Only Freedom Night 2018 surrounds you with fellow Freedom Seekers from your community that are unconditionally and FULLY supportive of you on your journey to create your own wellbeing, define your own destiny, live for freedom, and know that you are free to BE...

This isn't just entertainment and all the raffle prizes that your ticket enters you to win...

Freedom Night 2018 is 100% about YOUR healing and lasting transformation.

The whole community is waiting for you to purchase your tickets. Get your tickets here:!

Remember, You are enough. You are ready...

We are all on a Freedom Seeker journey together...

We CREATE our own wellbeing...

We DEFINE our own destiny...

We LIVE for freedom...

We are FREE to BE...

... And that makes US Freedom Seekers... And that makes YOU a Freedom Seeker!

Love and Hugs,

Hortencia "Tenci" Campbell and Maurice "Sol Xprsn" Clark

Co-Founders and Holistic Healers

Ufulu Child

P.S. We love you unconditionally. That may have been the first time you heard that all day, but we just wanted to let you know that you are enough as is. You deserve a night for yourself to truly Feel Free to BE... See you at Freedom Night 2018! Click here to purchase your ticket right now... :)

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